Searching for kangaroo mice food in Joshua Tree, California, USA, 2022.

Logan Lets Go

I’m a traveling storyteller working on a one-year travel project.

I move from place to place, I meet people, I tell their stories on my YouTube channel.

Introducing you to unique & interesting people from around the world. New videos every week!

I'm also a writer and a drummer.

I have a decade of experience in journalism, television & film production.

I enjoy traveling with one little backpack.

I like my kindle, my blender, kettlebells & bicycles.

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30-minute interview (June 2024)

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Here’s my archive.

Drop it like it’s hot

Road trip with my Tacoma in Arizona, USA, 2024.
Making friends in Bratislava, Slovakia, 2023.
Mt. Ida, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA, 2022.

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Traveling storyteller.


Traveling storyteller.